Ability Projects contributes to regeneration of London’s Victoria area

Air conditioning for the 11-storey development at 62 Buckingham Gate in central London is provided by fan-coil units from Ability Projects fitted with BACnet controllers. This £1 million prism-shaped building is part of the regeneration project for the Victoria area by Land Securities.
Designed for mixed commercial us, the building provides nearly 24 000 m2 of Grade A office accommodation and 1500 m2 of retail premises and restaurants at ground-floor level.
The fan-coil units comprise EC-DC Evolution ceiling-mounted EVO270 and vertical EvoVert 4-pipe units with heating and cooling duties from 0.6 to 3 kW. All units have sensors for supply and return air, and self-balancing and self-commissioning PICC valve sets. The valve sets include flushing bypass, isolating valves, drains, flow-measurement points and extended condensate pans. All units meet NR35 operating noise requirements.
Evolution fan-coil units have DC motors with infinitely variable speed control that reduces electrical inputs at a typical duty point by 50 to 75%.