CIBSE launches call to action over lack of compliance with air-conditioning inspections

CIBSE, air-conditioning, inspections

With the rate of compliance for air-conditioning inspections running at less than 5%, as required by the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive and F Gas Regulations and the costs that are incurred, CIBSE has embarked on a 4-month campaign to tackle the issue. For comparison, the rate of compliance for Display Energy Certificates is 80% and over 70% for Energy Performance Certificates.

The institution believes it is time to take action and bring this issue to the attention of Government.

CIBSE President Rob Manning says, ‘Non-compliance has real costs. It costs the environment, it will cost the UK any chance of meeting emissions targets, and it costs non-complying companies, which are missing out on a real opportunity to increase their profits.

The campaign runs until 10 September, and participants can sign up to support the ‘Compliance charger’, which lies at the heart of the campaign.

The charter will spell out the costs of non-compliance and lays out three simple steps (listed below) which are vital if compliance rates for air-conditioning inspections are to improve. Supporters will have the opportunity for greater involvement by downloading letters to send to MPs and local newspapers.

• The UK Government must acknowledge that air-conditioning-inspection compliance is not working and must move responsibility for enforcement away from Trading Standards to a body which is more interested and able to act.

• The Government must set targets for air-conditioning and F-gas compliance the enforcing body agrees are achievable and sign up to.

• The Government must increase communications with UK companies, informing them of their obligations to comply with air-conditioning inspection and F-Gas legislation.

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