Marshall-Tufflex boosts electrical performance for Welsh food supplier

Marshall-Tufflex, power factor, voltage optimiser
Effectively increasing the electrical supply for a major food supplier is power-factor-correction equipment from Marshall-Tufflex.

A major supplier of chilled and frozen food in south Wales has reduced its electricity bill by around £9300 a year following the installation of a power-factor correction unit and a voltage optimisation system from Marshall-Tufflex. The investment was recouped in around nine months. In addition, the company avoided a cost of £60 000 for a new sub-station to cope with the demand of extended production facilities.

The site’s current consumption was 275 A, close to the 300 A that the local electrical infrastructure could supply.

Chris Short of electrical contractor Electroserve Installations calculated that a Marshall-Tufflex power-factor-correction unit would reduce the current drawn to 210 A — increasing the site power capacity by 30%. Not having to pay reactive energy charges is saving over £1800 a year. The power factor has improved from 0.71 to 0.99.

A multi-tapping voltage-optimisation system has also been installed, saving around £7500 a year.


For more information on this story, click here: May 2015, 128
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