Royal Papworth Hospital enters new era with Grundfos

Papworth’s first association with the field of medicine began back in 1918, when it was designated as a specialist TB treatment centre. Over the years it gained a pioneering reputation as a centre of excellence for transplants. Their success was formally recognised when it was granted a Royal title in 2017.
However, as the years passed the hospital infrastructure itself needed to be focussed on and this resulted in a new bespoke hospital being purpose built 16 miles from the original site. With 300 beds, 5 operating theatres and a critical care unit and 1800 staff, all the hospitals complex pumping requirements will be met by a small army of Grundfos pumps.
These pumps were carefully selected to meet the stringent requirements of such a site and this includes a total of 32 Grundfos pumps that are comprised of in-line, end-suction and variable speed circulators as well as pressurisation units and a range of ancillary equipment. Ensuring that sufficient water is available where and when it is needed are 2 x MPC-E 4 pump booster sets. All commissioning was carried out by Grundfos Service.
Today Papworth is a globally recognised transplant centre that recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of its first successful heart transplant. With such an important reputation to uphold, Grundfos are delighted to be playing their part in delivering a clean bill of health to this vital new structure.