ighting controller can also control air conditioning and test emergency lighting

Ex-Or’s multi-function LightSpot presence detector can control not only lights and washroom functions but also air conditioning or the testing of emergency lighting — in what is said to be a first for the lighting-controls industry.

In air-conditioning mode, lights are turned on as soon as someone enters the area, followed by air conditioning after a preset interval. Likewise, the air conditioning is turned off after a short delay to avoid short cycling.

Procedures for testing emergency lighting are initiated very simply using a hand-held controller. This function is especially useful in smaller buildings that do not have a networked testing system and individual luminaires need to be tested. The facilities manager or caretaker simply points the controller at the detector to start the testing routine. There is no need for manual timing as this is carried out automatically. There is also no need for the usual key switch to test emergency lighting, so significant savings in installation cost are achieved.

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