London medical centre prescribes MHI heat-recovery treatment

Energy-efficient heating and cooling for the new wing of a south-London medical centre is provided by a VRF system from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The KXR system at Parchmore Medical Centre in Thornton Heath uses inverter technology and recovery of surplus heat to achieve a CoP of up to 3.4 for a system which qualifies for Enhanced Capital Allowances.
The new Beulah Wing provides six consulting rooms, a minor-operations suite and a staff conference facility.
Supplied by AMP Air, the system was installed by Lee Air Conditioning Services.
The 3-pipe system can provide heating and cooling, using heat extracted from areas requiring cooling to heat other areas.
There are two 8 hp outdoor units with cooling capacities of 22.4 kW and heating of 25 kW. Refrigeration pipework is routed through a duct into the building and into service risers on each floor for distribution to 17 indoor units.
4-way cassettes are installed in most areas with three slimline wall-mounted units serving the lobby, waiting room, and stairway/lift area.
Each indoor unit has its own controls, with a centralised controller in reception. The central unit displays temperature mode and fan-speed settings of each unit and can be used to over-ride localised settings if required.