Shenton delivers cost-effective standby power

Selcoms, which distributes wireless communication products, has found a cost-effective way of protecting itself from regular power failures by installing a UPS and contracting with Shenton Group’s Powercall service. This approach avoids the capital expenditure of a standby power generator and maintaining and refuelling it. The Powercall service has a target time of an hour for bringing emergency power to site and connecting it, with a guarantee of three hours.
Hugh Garrod, managing director of Selcoms, was concerned that regular power outages, some lasting half a day, at the rural location in Oxfordshire was causing disruption to the day-to-day running of the business.
‘I investigated standby generators, but found the cost to be thousands,’ he says. ‘Shenton Group suggested we install a 3 kVA UPS system and contract with its Powercall service, which is costing us only a fraction of the amount of a standby generator over the three years of the contract.
‘Now we can maintain continuity when power cuts occur, as lighting, IT equipment, telephones, heating and air conditioning are all supported by the UPS and the Powercall service.’