MHS helps to refurbish district heating system
The new district-heating system at the Ashmole Estate in southwest London includes boilers supplied by MHS Boilers. There are six 145 kW Thision L boilers on free-standing cascade frames and three Ultramax R600 boilers with plate heat exchangers. They are part of an extensive refurbishment project for Metropolitan and replace the old and inefficient oil-fired system responsible for heating the 18-storey Sirinham Point tower block as well as the Coney and Cottingham apartments for the elderly.
The installation of the new heating system was managed by Contractor Rydon, which used Ajay Consulting to specify the new equipment. Installation and commissioning was undertaken by J. S. Wright Ltd.
The Thision L boilers were installed in a plant room on the roof of Sirinham Point. The only access was by using a lift and staircase, so the boilers were broken down into smaller components and reassembled.
The Ultramax boilers were installed in a plant room on the ground floor of the car park area and were specified for their low height and small footprint.