Church refurbishes with underfloor heating
Cost effective, draught-free heating in this church near Sunderland is provided by Even-Heat underfloor heating.
As part of the refurbishment of All Saints Church at Leadon near Sunderland, an underfloor heating system has been installed beneath the central worship space, with radiators around the perimeter to minimise lateral losses. The church was built in 1869, and the underfloor heating was supplied by Even-Heat and installed beneath a new oak floor. The new heating system was started up at minimum temperature settings. Over several weeks, temperatures were gradually raised to full working conditions. Using this approach, the new timber floor was not subjected to sudden thermal shock but given time to settle down. The underfloor heating provides evenly spread radiant heat from the floor upward, with the maximum heating effect in the occupied zone at low level. The new heating system was designed by consultants J. Humphrey & Partners.
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