Leeds College of building invests in new building
Leeds College of Building, the UK’s only specialist construction college, is investing around £15 million to create a new state-of-the-art facility to serve a large proportion of its 7500 students. Ian Billyard, principal at the college, explains, ‘This is the start of our consolidation of the six sites we currently operate from into this new purpose-built development, along with our North Street and Millwright Street sites.’
The site is close to the main bus and railway stations.
Among courses offered are electrical and plumbing. The college offers 22 advanced apprenticeship routes and higher-level apprenticeships in construction and built environment (sustainability) and facilities management, which offer university-equivalent work-based education at an affordable price.
The college also works with over 1500 employees across the region, providing on-site training and development for their staff.