CIBSE develops guidance on non-domestic refurbishment
Guidance on refurbishing non-domestic buildings with key insights into making the most of opportunities that arise from refurbishment is provided in TM53 from CIBSE. George Adams, CIBSE president comments, ‘With energy efficiency being critical to combating climate change and the potential energy gap, this authoritative guidance will support those improving performance of existing buildings which make up nearly 50% of carbon emissions.’
Refurbishments can apply to any part of a building and its services — from changes to the building fabric and the internal layout to individual system such as the lighting scheme. TM53 highlights what needs to be considered when assessing each individual system. To successfully complete a refurbishment project needs an appreciation of the existing building envelope and its services so that the limitations and possibilities can be assessed.
The guidance also looks at commissioning of renewable-energy systems and delivering effective natural ventilation.
The principal author was Prof. Mark Jentsch, who was part of the dedicated steering group chaired by Mike Goodwin who helped shape the comprehensive technical memorandum.