CE-marked ventilation

Adexsi UK offers a range of ventilation and smoke-extract products with CE marking, a mandatory requirement in the UK since 1 July 2013. For ease of identification, the products have EC in their name: CErtilam roof and wall louvres; CErtilux roof louvres (pictured); Certilux wall louvres, CErtilight flap ventilators; and CErticiel window ventilators. All are specifically tailored for the UK market.
Managing director Kerry Jones says, ‘The mandatory use of CE marks is a big step forward for the smoke-ventilation sector. We are seeing a dramatic increase in enquiries about this, with awareness high among specifiers and their suppliers.’
Compliance is challenging, as third-part testing and reports, certification, factory testing and audit trails are all needed. Completing the testing and documentation to meet CE mark standards takes many months.