SPC develops Active-BIM objects

S&P Coil Products (SPC) now has Active-BIM objects available for downloading and loading into Revit models using a supplied type catalogue holding all the project information requested at the design and quotation stage. There are Active-BIM objects for Minib Trench heaters, Belgravia fan convectors, coil heat exchangers and heat pipes. Other products are being introduced progressively.
BIM objects can be used at the modelling stage to determine the right specifications of components, the sizes required and heating/cooling loads. This information is stored in the model to help the facilities-management team to maintain the building during its life.
Using BIM objects for SPC Minib heaters, for example, the user can make selections based on size, power and appearance. The size of the heaters can be specified and the type of grille chosen, along with style and finish of the frame.