Dashboard can Twitter

t-mac technologies, twitter, dashboard, energy monitoring

T-mac Technologies has taken the concept of dashboards for delivering information about energy-consumption and how to save energy a stage further with a dashboard that also has a dedicated Twitter feed. It is designed to enhance energy-saving opportunities and encourage active energy awareness from the occupants of buildings.

Called Smart.Dash, it connects with the t-mac cloud and displays a building’s data, collected from areas such as meters, sub-meters, machinery and renewables. It provides real-time energy insights with dynamic, intuitive and insightful views. Web technology enables information to be viewed on all devices from tablets to desktop computers and smart TVs to mobile phones.

Smart.Dash can tap into an organisation’s own Twitter accounts, enabling businesses to reach out through social media and educate occupants on energy saving at work while showcasing to customers. It also features a league table with benchmarking and facilities for key performance indicators — enabling comparisons to be drawn year on year or site to site to create a well-rounded energy picture. The Smart.Dash software is customisable and can be branded by a user to match its own brand guidelines.

For more information on this story, click here: July 2014, 162
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