Lochinvar integrates solar and fossil-fuel water heating

Lochinvar’s EcoCharger hybrid range of water heaters is a closely integrated combination of solar thermal and conventional gas-fired water heating that minimises the use of fossil fuel and achieves efficiencies of 96% (gross) and low NOx emissions (Class 5).
The HWH and HWHC hybrid units work with Lochinvar’s LSP20+ flat-plate collectors. All models have built-in solar control to maximise the use of solar energy. The gas burner only fires if solar energy cannot keep up with hot -water demand.
HWH models work with pre-heat storage vessels with storage capacities from 300 to 2850 l. There are seven models, with hot-water recovery from 540 to 2100 l/h.
HWHC models (pictured) have an internal coil, so there is no need for a separate pre-heat storage vessel, saving space in the plant room. They are particularly suitable for solar installations up to 8 m2. There are two models with hot-water recovery of 740 and 1100 l/h.
Options include a BMS interface and solar remote display.