Marco supplies anti-bacterial trunking for Glasgow hospital

Marco Cable Management has completed the supply of Hygieia trunking for Glasgow General Hospital, the largest single NHS hospital ever built in Scotland. This trunking uses silver-ion technology to create a defence against 99.9% of harmful bacterial growth. This provides protection from, and prevents the growth of, bacteria such as MRSA, E-coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Streptococci — along with fungi, mildew and mould.
The anti-microbial compound is incorporated into the uPVC of the trunking and is an integral part of it. There is therefore no degradation of performance if the surface becomes scratched or damaged. All anti-microbial products are tested in accordance with ISO 22196:2007, which specifies the method of evaluating the anti-bacterial activity of treated uPVC products.
The development includes a 14-storey adult hospital and a 5-storey children’s hospital. There are 20 operating theatres and major specialised services for renal medicine, transplantation and vascular surgery.