Rinnai water heaters have built-in storage
Rinnai’s Infinity Solo Re-Circulator water combines the technology of the company’s wall-mounted continuous-flow water heaters with a stainless-steel storage cylinder — all in one compact unit. These condensing water heaters have low NOx emissions.
There are two models, 35 and 54 kW, ensuring sites with a smaller gas meter can utilise such technologies. The larger model is described as a high-efficiency alternative to gas-fired storage appliances.
The stainless-steel cylinder is much lighter than glass-lined models, making transport and installation much easier. Heat loss is as low as 1.41 kWh/day (less than 6 W)
These water heaters are renewables ready and come pre-fitted with a coil for renewable energy. Renewable energy will be the primary source, with gas used to boost the water temperature as required.