LED retrofit slashes costs for Menzies

LED lighting retrofits at three distribution units in Weybridge of Menzies Distribution is expected to reduce energy cots by over £12 000 a year and achieve a payback on investment of less than three years. Energy consumption has been cut by nearly 30%, and the long life of LED lamps will greatly reduce maintenance costs.
Menzies Distribution selected SaveMoneyCutCarbon to survey, plan and installed the energy-saving LED lighting and associated controls, which included daylight sensing, movement and occupancy.
SaveMoneyCutCarbon needed to source an LED replacement to directly replace the T5 luminaires in the main warehouse, and worked with lighting manufacturer 8point3 to design and install a seamless LED replacement lighting solution.
Richard Whitbread of 8point3 explains that the end result was being able to use the existing hard wiring from the T5 fittings, including cables and connectors, and activated a plug-and-play solution that involved using the company’s LED remote phosphor technology Sabre Forum 35.
The new lighting is achieving reductions in maintenance costs of around £27 000 a year.
The scheme at Weybridge has provided a project template for other distribution centres, and SaveMoneyCutCarbon is advising on energy-saving improvements at Menzies distribution headquarters in Edinburgh.