Viessmann takes steps to stimulate the application of alternative energy
Exploiting heat-pump technology for delivering space heating and domestic hot water in one package is Viessmann’s Vitocal 343 unit.
To stimulate the practical application of equipment using solar energy, heat pumps, photo-voltaics and biomass, Viessmann has devised a package of guidance and support. Called ‘More than heat’, the package comprises four components to support a project from concept to successful operation. The first component is guidance on initial system selection and design. It includes predictive software that will quantify energy savings and reductions in carbon-dioxide emissions. Viessmann also offers a complete range of alternative equipment exploiting the technologies listed above. Training schemes have been devised — both classroom based and on site. Finally, Viessmann can provide technical backup in the field. Stewart Purchase, managing director of Viessmann, explains, ‘Alternative-energy systems are different from conventional heating. They are not “one size fits all”, so there needs to be a clear understanding of what each system can do and how to apply it. ‘There are technical issues, too. For example, a solar system can have fluid temperatures up to 250°C and pressures up to 6 bar, twice that of a pressurised heating system, so that design and installation needs to recognise the safety issues. Viessmann already offers ground-source heat pumps in its Vitocal 300 and 350 range. Solar heating is covered by the Vitosol range, in flat-plate and vacuum-tube versions. Due to be introduced in the Spring is a range of packaged units designed to simplify the application of energy-efficient technologies. The range will include the Vitodens 343 condensing boiler, the Vitocal 343 heat pump and the Vitores 343 heat-recovery ventilation system.
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Dec 05, 150
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