NEF demonstrates the value of ESOS audits

NEF, National Energy Foundation, ESOS

The National Energy Foundation (NEF) has identified energy savings totalling 29 GWh a year, the equivalent of £12.5 million off fuel and utility bills, during the first tranche of ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) compliance. Thomas Whiffen, senior energy specialist with NEF (pictured), comments, ‘If anyone needs convincing of the value of ESOS, we have the evidence.’

The potential energy savings were identified using half-hourly data, utility bills, finance records and mileage claims.

A visit to a commercial site found that although the electricity from a CHP plant was being used, the heat was being dumped to atmosphere and that lots of energy was being used to generate hot water for an industrial washing facility. There was also no space heating in the winter.

The solution was to re-engineer the system to produce space heating during the winter and deliver low-carbon pre-heating for the industrial washing facility. These two solutions are set to save £40 000 and 1.7 GWh a year.

NEF reports positive engagement from the organisations audited and that lighting upgrades and boiler replacements reduced lighting and heating demand by 25 to 50%.

Looking ahead, Thomas Whiffen comments, ‘The true benefit and power of ESOS compliance will be in the number and value of energy-saving opportunities that are actually integrated.’ He adds, ‘There was scope for energy-management behaviour to be improved in all the buildings we audited.’

The next stage if for NEF to consult with its clients, revisiting its original audits and work on strategies for implementing the savings identified. The next stage will be to measure the savings and, finally, prove the business case.

Looking ahead, the NEF is leading on a new standard (ISO 17747: Determination of energy savings in organizations) which is now at final draft international standard stage. Once approved, it will provide a standardised and an internationally recognised method for measuring energy savings and give the ability for improved reporting to clients.

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