The total lighting track

Modular lighting track from Disano Illuminazione provides power, control and emergency-lighting capability.
Disano Illuminazione’s Elesystem modular lighting track has 10 copper conductors, each rated at 16 A. It provides 3-phase supply, neutral, dimmer live and neutral, neutral, emergency live and neutral, earth and a free track. Described as a versatile system that is quick and easy to install, Elesystem can supply power to fluorescent fittings with various optical accessories and spotlights for a large range of applications. The plug-in adapter system enables the position of luminaires to be altered before and after installation. Fittings and spotlights are installed into the main channel with a quarter turn of a twist-and-lock mechanism. The system can be integrated with an intelligent management, command and control system, allowing it to be extended over large areas and controlled at any point, either locally via PC or remotely via a modem. The option of a dual channel means that telephone lines, intranet and utility services can also be installed within Elesystem.
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Inside number nine

Click Scolmore was the preferred supplier of electrical accessories for a prestigious single-phase build to rent development in London.