NIBE GSHP heats off-grid homes
A large-scale ground-source heat-pump system delivers heating for the Hallam House new-build housing development at Beeswing near Dumfries. There is no mains gas for the development, which comprises five purpose-built supported-housing properties and a dedicated staff base.
The local authority’s of £25 000 towards funding from several organisation was specifically for energy-efficiency measures. A consultation by Scottish efficiency advice organisation The Energy Agency identified a ground-source heat-pump system GSHP as the best solution, with heat extracted from boreholes on the site.
Following an initial design by the appointed M&E engineer, local renewables specialist CoolHeat specified a full GSHP system to operate with underfloor heating. NIBE VIP installer Stephen Thomson, a director at CoolHeat, recommended a 24 kW NIBE unit. The GSHP meets all the annual heating demand of 54 283 kWh. The is a 300 l buffer tank and an electric boiler as standby.
The installation receives payments from the Renewable Heat Incentive.