App calculates benefits of evaporative cooling

Condair, evaporative cooling

Condair, formerly JS Humidifiers, has developed an app that determines how much energy could be saved by evaporative cooling in the exhaust air duct of a ventilation system combined with heat recovery compared with mechanical cooling using a compressor.

Using worldwide weather data from Meteonorm, the myCoolblue app first calculates how much energy is needed to cool a building. The next stage is to use 10 years’ of historic weather data from over 300 regions worldwide to calculate how much cooling could be delivered each month using exhaust air evaporative cooling and how much would still need to be delivered using mechanical cooling.

Exhaust-air evaporative cooling uses an adiabatic humidifier to cool the exhaust air from a room and a heat recovery unit to then cool the incoming air.

A worked example indicates that to maintain an internal temperature of 23°C in an office in London exhaust-air evaporative cooling could deliver 53% of the required cooling.

For a case under investigation, a chart showing the monthly energy breakdown between mechanical and evaporative cooling is presented, along with a diagram of the system configuration and the temperature course supply/ ­exhaust chart.

Project details and calculations can be saved to the cloud and accessed later. An e-mail option also allows reports with project parameters to be e-mailed as a pdf for future reference.

Condair’s myCoolblue app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store for free and is available for iPad only.

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