Halton kitchen AHUS are Eurovent certified
Halton’s range of air-handling units for commercial kitchens has been awarded Eurovent certification for performance and quality. The accreditation covers the entire range of third-generation pollution-control, supply-air and combined units. An integral part of the process was the certification of Halton’s selection software for AHUs.
This range of AHUs includes highly efficient filtration options to help ensure acceptable indoor air quality. Units, as standard, are supplied with Eurovent-certified M5 and F9 grade filters to remove the fine particles that are damaging to human health.
The casework has been designed to minimise filter bypass, the effectiveness of which was demonstrated during the Eurovent testing, with units achieving the maximum score of F9 classification under both positive and negative pressure.
This range of AHUs is manufactured at Halton’s factory in Rochester.