Tech giants enter building IoT market

Vodafone, Dell EMC, Utilitywise
Brin Sheridan, Utilitywise

Vodafone and Dell EMC have joined with energy and utility management specialist Utilitywise to develop a new Internet of Things (IoT) energy and building management platform. The value of shares in Utilitywise rose at the time of the announcement.

The three companies have developed a platform for energy management which allows businesses to monitor all their energy outputs from different buildings in a single hub. The collaboration includes marketing, with the Vodafone sales team working with Utilitywise to help bring the product to market. The platform also removes the need for data software licenses, reducing costs.

Speaking to MBS, Utilitywise COO Brin Sheridan said: “Our aim is to rationalise the approach to building controls and building management systems. There is a move towards more open systems.”

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