Rinnai cleans up in Stafford

Rinnai has just completed the installation of two HDC1500i continuous flow hot water heating units at a busy laundrette serving businesses and the public in Stafford. The existing system was a heated stored water system – this meant that the site was paying to heat water it was not instantly using.
It was clear from the site survey that Rinnai units configured to optimise use of space and energy efficiency would yield seriously large cost savings to the owner, as well as improving reliability. Now, two HDC1500i internal mounted water heaters with secondary circulation provide hot water for 12 commercial machines, plus a sink and a wash hand basin.
Given that the Rinnai units were being wall mounted and externally flued, this gave extra storage space to the premises as there was no need for a dedicated plant room.
Comments Ray Gallimore, proprietor of the Weston Road Launderette: “The old storage system had become completely impractical, inefficient and needlessly expensive to run.