CIBSE prepares for 100 days of carbon clean up campaign
An intensive campaign to reduce carbon emissions starts on 5 June — and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, supported by the Carbon Trust, is urging all types of organisations to get involved. The campaign will last for a hundred days. Anything that impacts on energy bills will impact on carbon emissions, and even small measures will make an impact on cutting emissions. Promoting behavioural change in staff can have a significant effect on cutting carbon, so organisations can participate in the campaign at little or no cost. Organisations signing up to the campaign will receive an action pack containing a ‘how-to guide’, a range of support tools to promote carbon saving to staff and a free measurement tool to track carbon savings at the start and end of the campaign. CIBSE is planning a range of events and initiatives to get managers and staff involved in carbon saving; they will run throughout the 100 days. Samantha McDonough, CIBSE policy director, says, ‘We are challenging businesses to do some quick and easy improvements in 100 days. That is roughly the time between two utility bills. Even small measures like turning off electrical equipment will help reduce carbon emissions, and we want to help UK industries rise to the challenge. An awards ceremony at the end of the campaign will recognise the companies that have had successes with their carbon savings. Further information from:
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