Universal control for university campus
Singapore Management University has used Echelon LonWorks technology in its new city campus as the foundation for its state-of-the-art intelligent building-management system. Multiple building-automation sub-systems are integrated to enable the university to significantly reduce energy consumption and costs and increase student comfort. Ho Thim Seng, facilities-management director at the university, says, ‘Using Echelon’s technology, we anticipate exceeding 20% energy savings at the new city campus by fine tuning our system in a way that was never available with traditional control systems.’ Unlike office buildings with a fixed pattern of use, the use of facilities varies by the hour and by the day. Efficient management and control of services such as air conditioning is important since energy used for cooling traditionally accounts for at least 60% of energy consumption. The Echelon platform enables all the sub-systems to be integrated in an open network. Services that can be monitored and controlled include air conditioning, mechanical ventilation, electric power, fire alarms and lighting for conference halls, seminar rooms, group-study rooms and offices so that unused rooms do not consume energy.
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