Fulton packages reverse-osmosis water treatment with packaged plant

Part of the specification of this skid-mounted boiler system for Friarage Hospital at Northallerton includes a reverse-osmosis water-treatment plant instead of the standard water softener and chemical-dosage system. This method of water treatment reduces blowdown and the associated loss of heat and water and was adopted following a review of a water-analysis report of the area. This dual-fuel skid-mounted system was specified by M&E contractor Geoffrey Robinson Ltd to provide steam as part of its PPP contract for the hospital’s energy services. Project director Neal Robinson says, ‘We have been specifying Fulton equipment since our company was started by my father in 1971, so we know they can be relied on to provide a quality system and excellent service. This is the first PPP project we have undertaken, so we needed to be sure that the boiler system would still be capable of providing steam services to the local NHS trust for the contracted 15 years.’
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