Central-extract ventilation systems for homes
Johnson & Starley has developed a range of central-extract ventilation systems in support of the latest version of Part F of the Building Regulations and the Good Practice Guide 268 for domestic ventilation.
There are two multi-spigot systems, one of which has state-of-the-art EC fan technology. There is also an inline version.
These systems are designed for installing in the roof space or ceiling void. They all have a slim design and can be mounted in different positions.
Commissioning can be carried out with the systems running. Once they are balanced they cannot be interfered with by the occupier.
A fan-speed controller that can be remotely mounted allows the ventilation performance to be increased by up to 25%, in accordance with the Building Regulations.
Spigots can be 100 or 125 mm in diameter. Each spigot has a damper that can be adjusted to balance ventilation without removing ductwork.
The multi-spigot systems can achieve 300 m3/h.
The inline system has an AC fans and can delver 180 m3/h.
The integral filter is easy to remove. Other controls such as humidistat and air sensors are available, along with ducting kits.