Cylon launches BACnet-native certified controllers

Cylon has introduced a range of native BACnet-compatible controllers for fan-coil, chilled-ceiling and VAV applications. These controllers are certified by the BACnet testing laboratory as fully compliant with B-ASC requirements.
There are two new controllers, and both can be re-engineered for specific applications over BACnet.
The UCU10FC is a programmable unitary controller designed for use with fan-coils and chilled ceilings. It can be re-engineered for specific applications over BACnet, and the controller strategy can easily be adapted for single- or multi-speed fans.
The UCU10FC is a programmable unitary controller designed for use with fan-coils and chilled ceilings. The controller strategy can easily be adapted for single- or multi-speed fans.
The UCU10VAV is also a programmable unitary controller. It is designed for use with single-duct and fan-assisted VAV applications. It can control single and multiple zones. Each Cylon VAV sensor is factory calibrated at multiple pressure points. The Cylon VAV can be field adjusted during balancing to compensate for slight variations in box installation and type.