European recognition for Refcom

Refcom, the UK register of companies competent to handle refrigerants, has received European recognition for its F-gas expertise from the European Partnership for Energy & the Environment (EPEE). The EPEE is carrying out a study into F-gas regulations and requested case studies from F-gas authorities throughout Europe. Refcom was the only certification body invited to contribute to the study, alongside government-approved rule makers.
The EPEE’s aim is to help Europe achieve its ambitious 2020 targets (20% lower CO2 emissions, 20% more energy efficiency and 20% greater use of renewable energy in the EU) by promoting the most efficient and sustainable refrigerant choices and promoting energy efficiency in the HVACR sector by supporting EU policies.
Refcom was appointed in 2009 by the Government to operate a certification body for stationary equipment.
Steve Crocker, secretary of Refcom, explains, ‘We were able to help EPEE understand how we are so different from all other EU countries in how we implemented and manage the F-gas regulation. As a result of this liaison, I think Refcom has laid a solid foundation with EPEE for future collaborations.’