Dimplex cylinders designed for energy-efficient hot water

Dimplex’s EC-Eau range of hot-water cylinders includes models for use with renewable-energy systems, as well as an extensive range of standard direct and indirect unvented cylinders with a number of energy-saving design features. The range exceeds CHeSS best practice for standing heat losses and offers the same performance levels as the existing SCxn range.
Features to reduce standing losses include 60 mm of injected foam insulation, recessed housings for the immersion heater and thermostat and hot water drawn from the side of the cylinder rather than the top.
These cylinders are made of materials with reduced environmental impact, including a fully recyclable stainless-steel inner vessel with a 25-year guarantee and black outer coating made from 100% recycled materials.
All cylinders have an external diameter of 580 mm and capacities from 100 to 300 l. They are supplied with an external expansion vessel and all necessary safety equipment required by legislation.