Water-cooled chillers have high condenser leaving water temperatures

Daikin Europe has launched a range of water-cooled chillers to replace its EWWD-BJ series. The EWWD-H range is available in a wider range of capacities from 370 to 1215 kW. They retain the flooded evaporator and incorporate an electronic expansion valve. The refrigerant is R134a. Using two compressors on the same flooded evaporator improves part-load efficiency. EERs of up to 6.17 can be achieved, with ESEERs up to 7.4.
Standard models support condenser water leaving temperatures of up to 50°C, which can be increased to 65°C with an optional high-temperature kit. A heat-pump version is available to supply hot water and is well suited for geothermal projects.
Other options include suction shut-off valve, soundproofing and compressor thermal relay.
Improved control results from the new MicroTech III controller, which can be easily integrated with building-management and sequencing panel systems, whilst also controlling compressor capacity for optimum efficiency and performance.