One TMV can be TMV3 or TMV2
Pegler Yorkshire offers one type of thermostatic mixing valve to suit Type 3 (for environments such as hospitals) and Type 2, which is now allowed in certain hospital locations since the arrival of Health Technical Memorandum HTM04-01. The one blended valve offers all the high performance of a TMV3, but has lower servicing costs if used in TMV2 environments. TMV2 is also suitable for the domestic environment.
The new valve come with a blue cap to denote Type 3. If the valve is installed and commissioned as Type 2, a white cap to indicate Type 2 status can be fitted to indicate what servicing and testing intervals are required.
The concept has reduced the number of TMVs from eight variants to four. These TMVs comply with BS EN 1111 and BS EN 1287 and also meet BS 7942 and the Model Engineering Specification.