Eco2Solar signs preferred-supplier agreement’

Midlands-based renewable-energy specialist Eco2Solar has signed a preferred-supplier agreement with Galliford Try, taking on its existing solar-PV contracts as well as being provided with an opportunity for all new solar-energy contractors. Following a bid process with four specialist solar-PV companies, Eco2Solar was chosen on the basis of its experience, competitiveness and overall benefit to the Galliford Try Group.
Galliford Try is an FTSE 250 house-building and construction group delivering industry-leading performance in the construction of a sustainable future. Its brands include Linden Homes and Morrison Construction.
Paul Hutchens, managing director of Eco2Solar, (pictured) said, ‘This is the start of an exciting period for our business. We now have a solid platform to build a strong sustainable renewable-energy business, enabling us to broaden and further extend our Eco2 brand.