Efficient heating for large, high buildings

Nordair, air rotation heater, space heating

Energy-efficient heating for large high-bay buildings is delivered by Nordair Niche air-rotation heaters by avoiding stratification — hot air accumulating below the roof. The effect is achieved without addition destratification fans/units.

Air-rotation heaters are high-airflow low-velocity units at floor level. They draw in air at low level, heat it if required and discharge it at high level. In this way, the unit ‘rotates’ the cooler air at floor level and mixes it with the warmer air at high level, causing it to fall and be drawn back down to low level by the constant recirculation of air. Temperature is maintained at the pre-set level with no perceptible air movement.

When additional heat is required to augment the effect of air recirculation, it is provided by an indirect high-efficiency gas-fired heat exchanger. The burners can modulate down to 25% of full outputs. A system can run on natural gas or LPG.

Monitoring in a 12 m-high 16 000 m3 warehouse with three air-rotation heaters had a temperature different of just 2 K between 1.5 and 11.5 m above the floor.

For more information on this story, click here: March 2016, 118
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