Lighting replacement cuts costs for Wolseley

Renovating lighting in its national distribution centre is achieving energy savings of over £150 000 a year for distributor Wolseley UK. The savings come from an overhaul of lighting infrastructure inside and outside its main warehouse in Leamington Spa and surrounding offices. Supported by FM company Cloudfm, the quality and quantity of lighting was assessed to look for alternatives to reduce energy use and maintenance.
The main focus was to change all the lights from typical T5 fluorescent tubes to intelligent digital LED luminaires. 2692 fittings were removed from the warehouse and replaced with 616 LED lights.
This initial investment was expected to reduce energy costs by £8000 a month. Following further investigation Cloudfm introduced daylight sensors and PIR sensors to the lights to reduce energy use by a further £5000 a month.
The total energy savings are expected to be about 1 MWH a year, with a payback period of 3.75 years. There will be further significant savings in maintenance costs.
The project has been measured and audited in accordance with the Government’s Electricity Demand Reduction Project (EDR) and the Department of Energy & Climate Change. Wolseley UK was awarded £50 000 towards the project.