Carlo Gavazzi’s Rogowski coil is designed for speed of installation

Carlo Gavazzi’s Rogowski coil solution for its EM21MV 3-phase energy meter for retrofit application does not require an external power supply or external integrator, making installations faster and simpler. Features include automatic phase detection with wrong-phase-sequence warning and fast application-oriented programming procedure.
Current measurements are carried out using a ROG4K flexible current sensor with a hole diameter from 115 to 275 mm and which can measure primary currents from 20 to 4000 A and guarantee Class 1 accuracy. It includes three coils in different colours to simplify the work of the installer and a secondary cable terminal with tag of the same colour to simplify installation and minimise wiring errors.
A wide range of variables can be measured, and outputs can be pulse only or pulse and Modbus to send data to PCs, PLCs, BMSs and other data-acquisition and monitoring systems.
Instantaneous variables are displayed as 3 x 3 digits, with energy meter readings to seven digits. Accuracy is ±0.5% RDG (V, A), and the meter is rated Class B (kWh) according to EN50470-3 (Class 1 of EN62053-21), Class 2 (kVARH) according to EN62053-23.