UK energy in balance

Michael Phelan, Endeco Technologies, capacity auction, grid, demand response, balancing services, energy optimisation
Michael Phelan

Michael Phelan, CEO of Endeco Technologies, has commented on the latest T-4 capacity auction results in February, saying: “It’s no longer about capacity, it’s now about flexibility. Following the results of both T-1 and T-4 auctions, as well as grid trends, we may see grid stability turned on its head in a few years’ time with less stability in summer than in the winter.”

He explains: “Peak demand has been consistently declining since 2005. The increase in embedded generation, such as on-site solar and CHP, led to less demand on the grid but a need for finer balancing.”

Endeco specialises in demand response, balancing services and energy optimisation. Phelan emphasised the importance of these techniques: “The ability to swiftly adjust and accurately control consumption, rather than the blunt delivery of power onto the system with lots of advanced notice, is of greater significance.”

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