New ranges extend Lochinvar heat pump options

Lochinvar have added two new product ranges to its portfolio of heat pumps suitable for a wide range of non-domestic applications
Amicus LT air-to-water heat pumps provide low temperature hot water (LTHW) at up to 60°C for space heating and domestic hot water systems. LT models are suitable for supplying low temperature heating systems such as underfloor heating or hybrid systems with high efficiency gas-fired boilers and water heaters.
- Amicus Boost water source heat pumps are designed to be used as part of hybrid systems.
- Amicus Boost heat 5.14 (over 500% efficiency) and can provide water temperatures up to 78°C
All Amicus Boost models include a number of integrated control options as standard and offer anti-
Lochinvar also restructured its product management and technical teams to include new dedicated heat pump roles allowing it to provide pre-installation visits on each heat pump project as well as phone and email support.
The company expects to see steady growth in the heat pump market as the industry unlocks following the COVID-19 crisis and in line with the UK government’s plans to speed up the adoption of low carbon heating solutions.