Launch of new guidance on Net Zero Carbon definition

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) will be launching new guidance, developed to provide industry-wide definitions and address frequently asked questions during an online launch event on 7 April 2022.
This guidance, led by Julie Godefroy, Head of Sustainability for CIBSE and Clara Bagenal George, Associate at Elementa Consulting, builds on the definitions developed by WLCN/LETI in summer 2021 and looks at whole life, embodied – referring to total emissions and removals associated with an asset throughout the whole life cycle of an asset; upfront carbon – referring to emissions associated with materials and construction processes up to practical completion; operational energy; and operational water. Crucially these new definitions are based on meeting operational energy and embodied carbon targets and generating energy from renewable sources.
The new guidance from CIBSE and LETI provide more detail and are intended to be applied consistently in as many real-life situations are possible.
An initial industry survey on the FAQs illustrated that there was general agreement about acknowledging achievements in working towards net zero operational energy at different project stages, with the provision that continued progress is verified on an annual basis.
This guidance is for professionals from different disciplines, clients, investors, and occupants so they can be aligned in language and understanding of net zero targets and achievements.
With a growing suite of CIBSE guidance and digital tools relating to embodied carbon, net zero and creating a circular economy practice, this exciting new resource further demonstrates the impact of industry collaboration and communication in responding to challenges presented by the climate emergency.
The launch event is online and free to attend. Attendees will be invited to participate in an interactive Q&A as part of an engaging afternoon session hosted by Clara Bagenal George, and Julie Godefroy.
Register for the launch event via
Find out more about CIBSE’s ongoing work around net zero via