Rapid steam absorption for humidification

Rapid steam absorption in a small space — Vapac’s Vapasorb steam-dispersion system.
A steam-absorption humidification system that takes up less space in an air-handling unit or ductwork, particularly length, has been developed by Vapac. A number of tubes are used by Vapasorb to disperse steam, an approach that is said to be far more effective than single-duct tube or conventional steam-pipe injection systems. The compact frame enables a Vapasorb unit to be installed directly inside existing duct systems or air-handling units. Welded stainless steel is used to eliminate maintenance. Vapasorb is said to be the first generation of steam-dispersion devices to use hole-forming technology to extract condensate-free steam from the centre of the tubes. Units are assembled in the factory ready to install in a wide range of sizes and configurations.
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