Programmable room thermostat has built-in instructions

The controller with built-in instructions — Honeywell’s CM900 programmable room thermostat.
Simple instructions on the screen of Honeywell’s CM900 energy-saving programmable room thermostat are intended to make an instructions book unnecessary — but one is provided anyway. The controller is available in wireless and wired versions and can be used with radiator or underfloor heating, with gas- or oil-fired boilers (including condensing and combi models), and electric heating or cooling system. Up to six time/temperature changes can be provided each day. Three comfort-enhancing, energy-saving over-rides are available at the touch of a button — and there are many other features to save energy and enhance comfort. Installers can press a special combination of buttons to enable non-user settings to be changed. These include the frost-protection temperature and disabling the optimum-start feature, which adjusts the start-up time each morning according to prevailing temperature and heat-up characteristics of the building. A day-off over-ride runs Sunday’s program for up to 99 days, avoiding the need to reprogram the controller when someone is at home during the working week. A holiday over-ride reduces the temperature to save energy, yet keeps the chill off if necessary. Normal temperature is resumed automatically on the day of return.
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