Air conditioning reaches new heights in Malaysia

Telekom Tower
Hiross underfloor air conditioning is being installed in the new 60-storey building of Malaysia Telecom in Malaysia to provide an environmentally friendly system and flexibility to respond to future ‘churn’. Work on installing the air conditioning began as the building reached its 40th floor. A total of 60 000 m2 is to be air conditioned by 280 zone units with 1500 air-supply terminals recessed into the floor and 6000 grilles. It will be controlled by a Hiromatic system with Hirolink interface to the building-management system. AET won the order for the project. Tel. 01342 310400

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Smart and sustainable

Schneider Electric has announced its smart energy management solutions feature in the London headquarters of design, engineering and consulting group Sidara.

Fields of green

Lochinvar has provided a complete heating and hot water system powered by four air source heat pumps for a new luxury 72-bedroom care home set in rolling Yorkshire countryside.