Fulton steam boiler plays key role in helping improve the quality of real ale
More and better beer — this Fulton steam boiler has replaced an electric boiler in the brewery of Triple FFF in Hampshire.
As part of a £750 000 upgrade to its existing brewery equipment, Triple FFF Brewery Company in Hampshire has installed a new steam boiler from Fulton Boiler works. This 60J gas-fired vertical steam boiler replaces an electric boiler and supplies heat for brewing real ale, as well as steam for cleaning and sterilising kegs and process equipment. Graham Trott, who is managing director of Triple FFF explains, ‘By using steam from the Fulton 60J in the cleaning and sterilising process we can eliminate the chemicals that many breweries use. We believe this improves the quality and taste of our beers and extends shelf life by up to six weeks.’ The extra steam from the new boiler has enabled the brewery to increase output to over 640 firkins (26 000 litres for readers who prefer SI units). The brewery was founded in 1997. Readers in and around Hampshire may be familiar with its Moondance, Comfortably Numb, Pressed Rat and Warthog, Dazed & Confused and Alton’s Pride.
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