Air-handling units designed to meet Part L2
The Sensaire range of air-handling units and extract fans are designed for low energy consumption and to comply with the requirements of Part L2 of the Building Regulations. They are available with a complete built-in controls package and a remote touch-screen controller. There are five sizes of AHU with airflows up to 2 m3/s and external resistances up to 500 Pa. Sensaire units are suitable for top or bottom access. Each double-skinned section locks into the next, minimising noise breakout, thermal leakage and air loss. Components available include mixing box, inlet damper, filters up to grade G8, fan section (with motors for single-phase, 3-phase and DC), hot-water and electric heat batteries, cooling coil (including heat pump) and fitted silencer. The control system automatically monitors and adjusts daily start time to minimise energy use. The brochure includes specific fan power at all duty points, resistance of components to airflow, hot-water and electric heater duties and noise data. All units have been tested to BS 848 Part 1.
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