Lindab helps RNLI to save lives at sea

Lindab spiral ductwork and air terminal devices have been installed as part of a major extension of the RNLI’s inshore lifeboat centre on the Isle of Wight. The systems were installed by ductwork specialist Air & Environmental Services as part of the heating, ventilation and fume-extract systems serving this new facility.
Hundreds of metres of spiral ductwork distribute air from the 19 m3/s AHU to the various sections of the building at six air changes an hour.
This modern, purpose-built facility at Cowes builds up to 60% of RNLI lifeboats — the inflatable and rigid Atlantic series, D Class and the Arancia inshore rescue boats.
Every lifeboat has scheduled refits, all carried out by the 80-strong team at Cowes.
The new 2-storey building houses a number of specialist areas. Two main production areas are supported by paint spray and welding booths, together with GRP layout areas and an engine maintenance and repair shop.
The distribution and extract systems incorporate Lindab fire dampers to isolate any fire area. Volume-control dampers control the amount of air passing through each section.