Adding comfort to ventilation
Connected to a wet heating system IKM comfort units deliver controlled and heated fresh air into a building.
An approach to delivering heated fresh air is now offered in the UK by Danish manufacturer IKM. The Comfort range of air convectors introduces outside air through a grilled opening in the wall and heats it using hot water from a wet heating system. There is no need for ducts, fans or electrical connections. The temperature of the incoming air is controlled by a combination of sensor and valve. A self-adjusting aerodynamic wind shutter eliminates excessive ventilation and draughts. A self or mechanically adjusted rear shutter prevents air leaking out of the sheltered side of the building. There are five models in the Comfort range, with a variety of finishes and trims to the front cabinet. They are available with filters up to EU7 grade. Sound-reduction cabinets prevent noise entering or leaving the building. These units are particularly suited to sealed buildings, where there is increasing demand for additional ventilation.
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