HygroMatik delivers high-quality humidity for art gallery

HygroMatik humidifiers were specified for the Hayward Gallery at the Southbank Centre in London to maintain the optimum humidity for temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art. HyLine HY45 and HY90 units and a MiniSteam MS05C, all with SuperFlush, have been installed to serve the entire gallery, which was built in 1968.
Paintings, sculptures and other works of art are hygroscopic, so they will react to small changes in RH.
The steam humidifiers installed are electrode steam humidifiers and produce hygienic steam from tap water. The SuperFlush system for rinsing the cylinders prolongs their life. It can quadruple cylinder standing times and is said to be the only internal scale-management system for electrode boilers on the market.
A recent exhibition at the gallery was works by British artists David Shrigley and Jeremy Deller.